Just as we were starting to get our feet under the table again, and the occasional snowdrop was daring to put its head above the parapet, the wretched rain has arrived! But there is still a feel in the air that spring may be just around the corner. The catkins are coming out; snowdrops are evident in small patches (apparently they are well out in the Scottish Borders, but are less brave down here). Business is picking up with our clients starting to realise that the snow has left damaged shrubs and trees; fences and that the grass is looking a bit like it has suffered from scorched earth policy! In such circumstances the best thing to do is to make a list of what you can see is damaged; remove any obviously broken branches or limbs with a sharp pair of secateurs to give a clean cut (or pruning saw for larger branches). If the damage is minor, it may be best to leave it until the weather improves. Quite simply we may well be in for another very cold spell and the more of the plant that is left the better, as it acts as a protection against the hard frosts. just keep a eye on things: once March arrives it can be looked at again and in the case of roses, pruned towards the end of the month. If the last few years are anything to go by, we will have a fabulous spring which will arrive with a rush!
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